Tuesday, January 31, 2012

New Beginnings (cliche as fuck)

Hey. I'm new to this community, and life in general. I've spent more time slacking off and being just as average as possible, than anything else. It has been hard work trying to become as average as I am, but I have decided to refocus that energy into being what I have worked so hard not to be. Extraordinary. I have decided very recently that it is time to start living. I would like you guys to join me on my journey, because there is no way I will be able to do this alone. I have friends and family and a loving girlfriend of five plus years, but here I will be honest. I am faceless to you and you are faceless to me. We must help each other out. I will be nothing but brutally honest and I expect the same from you.

I guess you should know a bit about me before we start our adventure. My name is Jason, an average name for an average being. I am eighteen and currently a senior in high school. I don't have good grades or a very supportive family so the people I turn to are my friends. We hang out and do dumb things so nothing surprising there. I've spent as long as I can remember fighting depression, but I am doing quite a bit better now. High school is coming to an end soon and this is what got me thinking, what have I done? what do I plan to do? how am I preparing for my future? Drugs haven't helped me prepare for college, at least not with the study habits portion. Friends are almost all going off to four year colleges which I am not eligible to get into. Being a little bitch, pretending I am fine but going home and getting lost in the darkness of my mind hasn't done shit for me, so what else do I have? I have nothing. Having nothing is the best thing I could have right now because it is when you have nothing but what plenty that you start to get your shit together. I want to be a child psychologist for the sole purpose of helping kids stay away from my life and hopefully have a fighting chance in life. I am adopted by a single mother. I don't know my parents and that sucks, but it is what it is. nothing I can, or want to, do about it. My mom has given up a lot for me and my sister, but we are all too different types of people to mesh correctly. At home we all fight a lot. So just another aspect of my life I wish to change. By August I will be out of here, I don't know how or where, But believe me I will not be here. I could move four hours away and live with my girlfriend or maybe move in with some of my friends who are staying around here, but whatever I decide it will not be living in this house.

 So that adventure I was talking about might as well get explained a bit more. I plan to lose the extra weight I have gained recently, not very much but very noticeable, and get a good work out routine going; get a good reliable job, preferably in a restaurant; and have at least two thousand five hundred dollars in my bank by August first, I am starting with roughly 8 dollars. So please join me and help this average person start over. I will do my best to update this daily.Makes ME Feel I Can Do This.